Sunday, February 28, 2010

The funniest thing

DDesolation is the funniest thing.

It saps one's will to move forward or in any other direction.

Until, all one can do is sit in one place and stare at a dot on the floor.

Desolation is the funniest thing.


  1. hehe.. but its not funny always..

    hey, please remove word verification. this is a headache.

  2. But it's during times like these that one can sit in one place and contemplate, look at what went wrong and move on. It's a naturally occurring cycle, isn't it? :)

  3. Pissa- Done. Word verification removed. About desolation. Yeah I know, It's not funny at all.
    Chavie- The thing is, when I'm desolate, there's no contemplating at all. Just staring into blank space. :)

  4. i have had my moments. i can identify with you. where you are just blank. he he. it's funny when you think about it later. it's a cycle i guess like chavie mentioned.

  5. BB don't remove word verification!!! I've started getting spam on my blog :(

    Pisso - I'm going to set it up again!!

  6. BB, just wanted to tell you that I copied the Akossa Sutta from your post and used it in one of mine... I hope you don't mind! :)

    By the way, long time no hear... I presume you're busy these days. :)

  7. @ Book baker & BI*- What happened you nangila?
    No new posts.

    I don't think, so, BI*.
    I never had any Spamming problems.


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