Monday, November 9, 2009


Sso, this is going to be a rather mushy blog post. This is something that I should have done eons ago. At least I'm attempting now.. :)

Where do I start?

About 4 years ago, I was working at this particular "company". That fateful day both a staff member & the superior in the section next to ours were absent (Now when I think about it "YEA!") and I was having the most stressful day ever, having to cover for missing staff. Then somewhere in the middle of the day I got a mail from an unseen colleague down the stairs requesting a transaction. (To tell the truth at that time every time my mails went "blink" I was sure I was aging fast one mail at a time & was inwardly whining at a rate!)

The sender of this "mail" I had just received had such a lovely uncommon name I had to peep over the partition separating me & my superior and ask her if she knew who this was. Of course she, giving one of her  mysterious smiles said "ah, he said he's coming up, wait & see" Of course I put this incident completely out my mind as my PC went "blink" again with another troublesome mail.

I'm not quite sure how long a time passed before I heard an "excuse me" from behind me. I turned, to find the most dazzling smile I have ever seen, (And the whitest of teeth) & there he was & I was hooked for life.


I'd love to hear what you think. Please leave a comment. :D